Save Time and Money [Cross Docking]

There are 3 different ways to cross dock, they are direct transfer, order picking, and inbound items which are staged.

The first of all, Direct Transfer. There are three ways in this way, they are:

  • Determining how many cases of each received item are required for each customer order or for a given route.
  • At the receiving dock place the number of cartons for each on a separate pallet.
  • Transport each pallet to the appropriate staging area at the shipping door for each customer order or route.
The second ways to cross dock is Order Picking. Also, in this way, there are three ways to employ this way, they are:

  • Determine how many total cases will be cross docked.
  • Move the pallets with that total to temporary picking locations at the dock.
  • The picker will pick the rest of the order as usual and then pick from the temporary locations on the way to the staging area to complete the order.
The last way in order to dock is Inbound items are staged short-term and accumulated at a location near the dock (not put away) for a period of time, then shipped out as required.